What is type A influenza? What are the symptoms? Can you heal yourself? 5 Big Questions to Tell You Right Now |. Mom and baby |. LINE TODAY

Generally, colds can be divided into “common cold” and “flu” (commonly known as influenza). It can be said that the “flu virus” is prevalent every year. The disease is usually more serious than a cold, the course of the disease is longer and it is easy to cause serious complications.

Influenza is an acute viral respiratory disease that can be divided into four types: A, B, C and D. Among them, only types A and B can cause severe seasonal epidemics, and type A influenza virus has the higher infection rate what exactly is the influenza A virus? What symptoms will it cause? How long does it take for an infection to heal?

What is type A influenza?

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Influenza type A is primarily a viral infection that can infect humans, poultry, pigs, horses and other animals, but wild waterfowl are the natural host of this virus. Two other major antigens, can be divided into dozens of subtypes, among which the main types that infect humans are:



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Symptoms of type A influenza




Muscular pain


Respiratory symptoms, sore throat and runny nose

A small number of infected people will suffer from gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

What is the difference between influenza A and influenza B?

The symptoms of type A flu are more severe, and most cases of serious flu complications are caused primarily by type A flu. The symptoms of type B flu are mild, often accompanied by diarrhea, muscle aches, and other symptoms.

As for the difference between the flu and a cold, according to the CDC announcement, the differences between the flu and a cold include that the symptoms of the flu are more severe than those of a common cold, with noticeable general weakness, headache, and Fever is likely to occur and symptoms may appear suddenly and the recovery time is longer than that of a common cold.

A cold usually clears up in about 3 to 5 days.

How long does it take to recover from type A flu?

Generally, the flu is contagious a day or two before symptoms appear, gradually clears up five days after symptoms appear, and can take about a week.

Influence: questions and answers

Q1: How are influenza A and COVID-19 different?

Including influenza, respiratory tract fusion virus, parainfluenza virus, etc., these viruses will manifest respiratory symptoms such as fever, sore throat, runny nose, etc.

How to distinguish it from the influenza virus? If your rapid COVID-19 test comes back negative, even if you have symptoms of fever and cough, it is not necessarily 100% flu virus. However, you must judge based on the symptoms, especially the main symptoms such as general fatigue and muscle pain. It could be the influenza virus, and influenza can also be distinguished using rapid screening reagents.

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Q2: How to care for patients with influenza type A?

Influenza A does not require mandatory quarantine. The key points in treating infections are the following:

1. One or two days before symptoms appear and are contagious, family members and close contacts living together should be especially careful.

2. About three days after symptoms appear, the virus peaks. Pay particular attention to personal protection and home protection. If the fever persists, avoid going to work and school to avoid infecting others.

3. It will gradually decrease on the fifth day and you can start going to work and school after the fever subsides. However, you should wear a mask properly to avoid transmitting the virus to people around you.

Q3: How to block influenza A virus?

It is recommended to prevent influenza viruses according to new methods against coronavirus pneumonia, including trying not to touch your eyes, mouth and nose with your hands, washing your hands before and after meals, maintaining adequate social distance, wearing masks in closed spaces or crowded places, etc.

Q4: Is it necessary to take flu medicine to treat type A flu?

According to the CDC, getting the flu virus within 48 hours of the onset of flu symptoms has some potential to reduce the incidence of serious illness. Therefore, the elderly and children with poor immunity are still recommended to take antiviral drugs such as influenza virus after diagnosis.

Influenza is one of the antiviral drugs currently used to fight the flu. It is not necessary to get the flu to confirm the diagnosis of influenza, but antiviral drugs will improve the body’s symptoms.

Q5: Will the flu get better on its own?

If you have the flu, you can recover slowly by resting well and relying on your body’s immune system. It will take at least 1 to 2 weeks, or even longer, to recover. However, since the symptoms caused by the flu are relatively serious, if you do not seek medical treatment and take medications, these symptoms will cause great inconvenience to your body and even affect your daily life. Because the flu can be complicated by serious complications and even lead to death, the CDC recommends going to a medical institution for medical treatment and taking appropriate medications.

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Further reading

To prevent respiratory infections, 5 recommended essential oils! 6 tips for home protection, more effective than incense, just do this

.2024 Publicly funded flu vaccines are available to everyone! Where to fight? Can I play with XBB? 7 main quality controls to keep an eye on at once

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2024-04-24 18:24:32


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